Friday, March 25, 2011


It is beautiful outside my window today. The sun is shining, and although it is not as warm as it has been this past week, it is still a lovely 60 degrees outside.

I'm watching my son play through my bedroom window as I take care of paying our bills inside. Miss Sunshine is jumping around on my bed, which she knows she is not supposed to do, but is being vastly amusing at doing it. She just let out a man-worthy belch and promptly said "Oh, excuuuuuse me!" in a little sing-song voice.

I discovered today that Miss Sunshine can count to ten. I'm not really certain when or where she learned this, as we have been working on the alphabet, not numbers. I'm blaming Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for it. But she can count perfectly to ten. Sometimes she even throws and eleven in for good measure. It's pretty darn cute, so I thought I'd let you all see it! (Please ignore the fact that the bed is not made... it's been a busy day and bedmaking just didn't make it in to the schedule. I know for some people they can't leave their home without their bed being made, but obviously I am not one of those people!)

I'm pretty darn proud of how smart my kids are. And enjoying them and this beautiful sunshine today.

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